Extended CV for IEEE Senior Member Application


General information


Name:                          Silvio Simani

Gender:                        Male

Place and Date of Birth       Ferrara (Italy), April 21, 1971

University Address                Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara 

Via Saragat,1 44100 Ferrara, Italy 

Phone:                         +39 0532 191 2034 

Fax:                              +39 0532 97 4870 

Home Address                     Via Bologna, 1/E 

44100 Ferrara, Italy

E-Mail:                         ssimani@ing.unife.it

Webpage:                   http://www.ing.unife.it/simani





1990-1996      Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy): “Laurea” degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering. (June 16, 1996).


1996-1999      Department of Engineering Science, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy): Ph.D. in Automatic Control. (February 25, 2000).



In more details, Dr. Silvio Simani graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1996 at the University of Ferrara, Italy. His final dissertation, whose title is "Visual motion and structure estimation", developed at the VIS.I.T. Laboratory of the CINECA of Casalecchio (BO) (coordinated by Prof. Sergio Beghelli and Dr. Maurizio Forte), consisted of the design, construction, modelling and validation of a software program in order to estimate the 3D structure of an object observed by means of a mobile camera. The work consisted of three main parts.

These three parts gave rise to an experimental validation of the model by comparison of simulated and measured data. The final procedure was applied to a real problem: the reconstruction of the 3D structure of the skull of a prehistoric man from raw images taken by a mobile camera. The skull of the Altamura Man in the Altamura grotto, Italy.


Dr. Simani’s study curriculum has been focused mainly on Systems and Control Theory. In particular, in 1999 Dr. Simani finished his PhD study course in System and Control Engineering at the University of Ferrara, Department of Engineering (Italy). During the PhD years, Dr. Simani was mainly involved in the following topics:



In the years from 1997 to 2000, Dr. Simani attended the following postgraduate courses:



Dr. Simani is currently involved in cooperative projects regarding the fault diagnosis of dynamic processes, and in particular regarding gas turbines, together with ATSOM Ltd. (UK), The University of Hull (UK) and The University of Strathclyde (UK). Because of these projects, from January 1999, Dr. Simani has been working and collaborating with Prof. Ron J. Patton in the Control Systems Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Mathematics & Engineering at The University of Hull (UK).


In February 25th, 2000, Dr. Simani was awarded the Ph.D. in “Information Science: Automatic Control” at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara, Italy. A the end of December, 2000, he obtained a Postdoctoral Position on Quantitative and Soft Computing Methods for Fault Diagnosis in the "EC RTN DAMADICS" at the Faculty of Mathematics & Engineering at The University of Hull (UK).


He is currently collaborating with Department of Engineering at the University of Ferrara and working on several national and international projects regarding the field of fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems, dynamic system identification, fuzzy logic, neural networks and nonlinear system identification for fault diagnosis (hybrid systems).


After few years as part-time assistant lecturer (1998 - 2001), from February 2002 Dr. Simani is Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara. His research interests include fault diagnosis of dynamic processes, system modelling and identification, and the interaction issues between identification and fault diagnosis.



professional Experience


1996-1997.           Research Fellow in Science and Supercomputing at CINECA. CINECA Computing Centre. Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna (Italy).


1998.      Part Time Assistant Lecturer. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy)


1999.      Part Time Assistant Lecturer. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy)


2000.      Part Time Assistant Lecturer. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy)


2000.                         Electronics & Mechanics Collaborative Project. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (form June to September, 2000)


2000.               Post Doc Fellow. Research Contract at the Department of Mathematics & Engineering, The University of Hull (UK)


2001      Part Time Lecturer. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy)


2002      Part Time Lecturer. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara (Italy)


2002                 Full time assistant professor & lecturer at the Department of Engineering of University of Ferrara (Italy) (since February 2002)



In more details, Dr. Simani was involved in the Shape from Motion Project: 3D Modelling by Analogic Video Input Data for the Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites, developed in the VIS.I.T laboratory of the Supercomputing Center CINECA (Casalecchio, BO, Italy) in 1997, sponsored by the AIACE Association.


He contributed to the International Summer School "Fuzzy Logic Control: Advances in Methodology", held in Ferrara (Italy) on July 16 - 20, 1998.

From the beginning of 1997 he has been involved in research programs within the Automatic Controls & Robotics research group of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara (Prof. Prof. Sergio Beghelli and Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi). His main research interests are in the design and development of automatic fault detection and isolation procedures regarding linear dynamic systems (industrial processes and power plants), modelling and identification of linear and non-linear dynamic models, fuzzy modelling and control of linear and non-linear algebraic and dynamic systems.

From 1999, Dr. Simani has been collaborating on cooperative works and projects with ATSOM Ltd. (UK), The University of Hull (UK) and The University of Strathclyde (UK). The main topics of the projects consist in actuator, component and sensor FDI concerning a model of a single-shaft industrial gas turbine. Because of such a project, Dr. Simani is currently working with Prof. Ron J. Patton in the Control Systems Engineering Laboratory of Faculty of Mathematics & Engineering at The University of Hull (UK).

In August 30, 1999 Dr. Simani attended the Tutorial Workshop "Knowledge-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Systems" within the ECC’99, held in Karlsruhe (Germany) and organised by EUCA and IFAC. In September 8-11, 1999 Dr. Simani attended the "Iterative Identification and Control Design" International School (An ESF course), held in Valencia (Spain) and organised by DISA and CEA-IFAC.

From 1999 to 2002, Dr. Simani worked as Part Time Assistant Lecturer at Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara (Italy). From June to September 2000, he joined an Electronics & Mechanics Collaborative Project at Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara.

At the end of 2000, Dr. Simani obtained a Postdoctoral Position on Quantitative and Soft Computing Methods for Fault Diagnosis in the "EC RTN DAMADICS" at the Faculty of Mathematics & Engineering at The University of Hull (UK).

From March to June, 2001 Dr. Simani worked as Part Time Lecturer at the "CFP CESTA". CENTRO FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE CESTA - COPPARO (FERRARA, Italy).

Starting from 2002, Dr. Simani is currently collaborating with Department of Engineering at the University of Ferrara as Assistant Professor and working on several national and international projects regarding the field of fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems, dynamic system identification, fuzzy logic, neural networks and nonlinear system identification for fault diagnosis (hybrid systems).

Dr. Simani has also the following skills in the computer science field:





Courses & Lessons (in Italian & English)


§         Systems & Automatics Laboratory”: 70 hours course module for the 3rd year Automatic Control, Informatics, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 1998/1999.


§         Systems & Automatics Laboratory”: 70 hours course module for the 3rd year Automatic Control, Informatics, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 1999/2000.


§         Automatic Fault Diagnosis - Fault Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems Using Model-Based and Filtering Approaches”: 10 hours minicourse for the 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2000/2001.


§         Automatics Laboratory: Part I”: 50 hours course Module for the 3rd year Automatic Control, Informatics, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2000/2001.


§         Automatics Laboratory: Part I”: 50 hours course module for the 3rd year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2001/2002.


§         Systems & Automatics Laboratory”: 50 hours course module for the 4th year Automatic Control, Informatics, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2001/2002.


§         Automatics Laboratory: Part I”: 50 hours course module for the 3rd year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2002/2003.


§         Automatics Laboratory: Part I”: 50 hours course module for the 3rd year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2003/2004.


§         Dynamic System Identification & Data Analysis”. 56 hours course module for the 3rd year and 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2003/2004.


§         Automation Technology Laboratory - Neural Networks for Identification, Prediction and Control”. 10 hours course submodule for the 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2003/2004.


§         Dynamic System Identification & Data Analysis”. 56 hours course module for the 3rd year and 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2004/2005.


§         Residual Generator Computation via Polynomial Approach for FDI”. Minicourse for the European Ph.D. in Information Technology organised and supported by the ARCES Centre (Advanced Research Centre on Electronic Systems for Information and Communication Technologies "Ercole De Castro") of the University of Bologna. (Italy) Academic Year Calendar 2004/2005 (in English). ARCES Centre.


§         Automatics Laboratory: Part I”: 50 hours course module for the 2nd year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2004/2005.


§         Automation Technology Laboratory - Neural Networks for Identification, Prediction and Control”. 10 hours course submodule for the 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2004/2005.


§         Dynamic System Identification & Data Analysis”. 56 hours course module for the 3rd year and 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2005/2006.


§         Automatics Laboratory: Part I”: 50 hours course module for the 2nd year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2005/2006.


§         Automation Technology Laboratory - Neural Networks for Identification, Prediction and Control”. 10 hours course submodule for the 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2005/2006.


§         Kalman Filtering (KF): Theory and Applications”. Lecture for the Summer School on Advanced Technologies for Neuro Motor assessment and rehabilitation. Academic Year Calendar 2005/2006 (in English). Regional STARTER Project: Strategic Network for Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology in Emilia-Romagna (Italy).


§         Automatic Fault Diagnosis - Fault Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems Using Model-Based and Filtering Approaches”: 10 hours minicourse for the 5th year Automatic Control Engineering Students. Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. Academic Year Calendar 2006/2007.





From 2000-2002 Dr. Simani was organiser of several invited sessions at the IEEE International Conferences – CDC’s, SAFEPROCESS’s Symposium, and member of the Technical Committee at the IEEE ACC’2004 for the IEEE CDC’04 in 2004.


Dr. Simani is author of more than 80-refereed journal and conference papers and one book on these topics. He has served as reviewer for several international journals and conferences, as listed below:


§         Automatica

§         IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

§         International Journal of Control

§         IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

§         Control Engineering Practice

§         International Journal of Systems Science - IJSS

§         Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control

§         IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics

§         IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

§         European Journal of Control

§         International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications

§         IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

§         International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

§         International Journal of Nonlinear and Robust Control

§         IEEE Signal Processing Letters

§         IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

§         IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing

§         IEEE Transactions on Image Process

§         IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

§         International Journal on Mechatronics

§         Fuzzy Sets and Systems Journal

§         Journal of Neural Processing Letters

§         Journal of Latin American Applied Research - LAAR

§         Transactions of the Society for Modelling and Simulation International

§         Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication


§         IFAC SAFEPROCESS Symposium

§         IEEE CDC Conference – Conference on Decision and Control

§         IEEE Control Conference

§         IEEE ACC Conference – American Control Conference

§         IEEE CCA Conference – Conference on Control and Applications

§         ECC - European Control Conference

§         IEEE MMAR - International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Control



Professional Membership


1998      Member of the IEEE Institute of Electrical  & Electronic Engineers


2000      Member of the IFAC Technical Committee SAFEPROCESS


2000      Post Doc Research Contract at the University of Hull, UK.


2002      Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara Italy (permanent position).



Research Interests


1) Identification and model-based fault diagnosis of industrial processes.

2) Linear identification of dynamic processes from noisy data.

3) Fuzzy modelling, identification and control of dynamic systems.

4) Neural Networks for fault identification.

5) Hybrid model identification from noisy data


In particular, for the Fault Diagnosis topic:


                         1) Identification and model-based fault diagnosis of real and simulated industrial processes.

2) Actuator, component and sensor fault diagnosis using identification techniques.

3) Robust model-based methods for residual generation.


In more details, regarding Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems, Dr. Simani’s interests are in the field of fault diagnosis in dynamic systems and in particular, since 1997, he is carrying out researches into the development of methods for rapid detection and diagnosis of faults in input-output control sensors of industrial processes. The interest has been in the use of analytical redundancy methods based on information implicit in functional or analytical relationships, which always exist between a number of measurements taken from a process (e.g. industrial plant). The research has exploited methods, using robust state observers, which have provided a capability for reliable detection of faults in the presence of typical plant parameter variations. These methods enable faults to be isolated, in addition to being detected. Furthermore, the reliable detection and isolation of multiple faults has also been experimented. He has worked on application studies ranging from industrial gas turbines and power plants (e.g. Pont sur Sambre). The research is being driven by industrial application studies, although a particular interest has been the development of a unifying theory for model-based diagnosis algorithms. Dr. Simani is trying to apply the experimented methods within the context of robustness to uncertainty.


Concerning the Linear & nonlinear system identification topics, the project is concerned with problems in identification of linear and nonlinear systems. Special emphasis is given to the case of multi-input single-output (MISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. The latter case shows even in the linear case considerable more complexity when compared to the single-input single-output (SISO) case. It should be noted that identification of linear systems is a highly nonlinear task; the results obtained for the linear case also have a pivotal character for identification of nonlinear systems. The problems considered range from structure theory (realization and parameterisation) to estimation algorithms (including their evaluation). The main topics of research are:


·         Parameterisation: The property of parameterisations, for linear systems, in particular of the so-called balanced realizations, is investigated.

·         Subspace-methods: For 'large' MIMO systems the standard identification procedures, like Maximum likelihood methods and Prediction error methods, have high numerical complexity. The so-called subspace methods (SSM) are numerically faster, however their statistical properties have not been fully investigated yet.

·         Algorithms for dynamic errors-in-variables models: here algorithms for the estimation of the set of all observationally equivalent systems shall be developed. In addition a test, whether this equivalence class contains a causal system, shall be constructed. The statistical properties of these algorithms are evaluated.

·         Regularization and complexity: A second approach, to overcome the numerical problems in identification of MIMO systems, might be the use regularization methods. The statistical properties of such methods are evaluated. These regularization methods seem to be promising also for the identification of nonlinear models (e.g. neural networks). The results for the linear case are generalized to certain classes of nonlinear systems.


The Fuzzy logic in control and identification item focuses on 2 points:


·         Fuzzy logic in control: This activity is aimed to investigate the application of the fuzzy logic paradigm for the control and identification of dynamic system. In particular, fuzzy logic in control has been successfully used to capture heuristic control laws obtained from human experience or engineering practice in automated algorithm. These control laws are defined by means of linguistic rule, for example "if the pressure is high, then decrease the pump power". The heuristic approach in the controller design can be appealing for its simplicity, but formal design method can be mandatory in some cases. For this reason a great endeavour is carrying out by several researcher in defining formal design procedures.


·         Fuzzy model identification: In literature a general approach to nonlinear structure modelling does not exist and then fuzzy models are interesting because they can approximate a large class of nonlinear functions. The maim problem consists in finding the parameters of the fuzzy model from data affected by noise. A well-established procedure, the Frisch Scheme, for linear identification in stochastic environment has been modified and exploited to be applied to fuzzy model identification. The extension of the implemented technique for the identification of multidimensional piece-wise linear causal models and piece-wise linear fuzzy models allows to identify nonlinear dynamic models.


The Neural Network research activity regards 2 aspects:


·         Static neural networks in fault diagnosis: In recent years, neural networks have been exploited successfully in pattern recognition as well as function approximation theory and they have been proposed as a possible technique for fault diagnosis, too.  Neural networks can handle nonlinear behaviour and partially known process because they learn the diagnostic requirements by means of the information of the training data. They are noise tolerant and their ability to generalize the knowledge as well as to adapt during use are extremely interesting properties. The major motivation of this research is the use of artificial static neural networks, capable of approximating a large class of functions, for fault diagnosis of an industrial plant, too. The ultimate goal is to develop a general method, which can be applied to a broad spectrum of processes. In particular, in the detection and diagnosis problem, neural networks are exploited to estimate the relationship between symptoms and faults. In such a way, residuals generated by means of state estimation techniques are independent of the dynamic characteristics of the plant and dependent only on sensors faults. Therefore, the neural network evaluates static patterns of residuals, which are uniquely related to particular fault conditions independently from the plant dynamics.


·         Dynamic neural networks in system identification: This research concerns model identification by linear and nonlinear dynamic neural networks. Linear networks may be used to model real systems. If the real system is linear or near linear then the linear network can act as a zero, or low, error model. In the real system is nonlinear, linear network models the system with minimum sum-squared error. Nonlinear networks can be used to identify a nonlinear system. Two networks are commonly used: Elman and Hopfield networks. Elman networks are two-layer backpropagation networks, with the addition of a feedback connection from the output of the hidden layer to its input. This feedback path allows Elman networks to learn to recognize and generate temporal patterns. The Hopfield network is used to store one or more stable target vectors. These stable vectors can be viewed as memories that the network recalls when provided with similar vector, which acts as a cue to the network memory.


Finally, the Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems is solved via a multiple model approach. In particular:


·         The Fault diagnosis of nonlinear dynamic systems: Fault Diagnosis (FD) for industrial processes requires reliable models for effective malfunctioning detection. As linear models are seldom effective in describing complex industrial processes, more complicated non-linear models should be used for this purpose. The construction of structured non-linear model from input-output data is currently under investigation in several institutes and laboratories all over the world but is far to be fully established, especially when we consider that in industrial environment the acquired data are always affected by noise. A further problem is to consider that the identification procedure should be coupled to a fault diagnosis algorithm. In order to establish a methodology applicable in a wide class of industrial plants, we can observe that in many cases the processes can be described using simple model having a local validity around an operating condition. Therefore, instead of exploiting complicated non-linear models obtained by modelling techniques, it is also possible to describe the plant by a collection of affine models. Each submodel approximates the system locally around a working condition and a selection procedure determines which particular submodel has to be used. Such a multiple model structure is called multiple model approach. At each operating point, the behaviour of the multiple model is described by a local affine dynamic model. Several researchers currently explore this approach; among them we can cite the works by Billings and Leonaritis, Takagi and Sugeno, Branicky and Benveniste. However little attention has been paid to the problem of noise affecting plant measurements, which can significantly decrease the suitability of the model in the context of FD, in particular producing false alarms. As in practical condition the measured data are always affected by noise, this problem is really important to be carefully considered. Some preliminary study have been already carried on this stream, particularly in the context of linear models, by Kalman and Beghelli, and recently for non linear models, by Beghelli, Fantuzzi, Rovatti and Simani.


·         Multiple model approach: The construction of the multiple model from only one set of global input-output noisy measurements is a non-trivial problem since the model structure, a switching function and the local model parameters have to be identified. The technique we aim to develop concerns the estimate of the operating point regions, the identification of the structure and parameters of the piecewise affine system based on local linear models from input-output data affected by noise. A non-linear dynamic process is, in fact, described as a composition of several local submodels selected according to the process operating conditions. This project addresses a method for the identification and the optimal selection of the local submodels from a sequence of noisy measurements acquired from the process. In particular, in this project, a novel non-linear identification technique is combined with the model-based method to formulate a fault detection and isolation (FDI) tool exploiting the multiple model approach for residual generation. The model for non-linear dynamic systems is described by a number of local linear models. Each submodel approximates the system locally around an operating point and a selection procedure determines which particular submodel has to be used. Under such a new identification method, a number of local linear models are designed and the estimate of outputs is given by a combination of local outputs. The diagnostic signal (residual) is the difference between the estimated and actual system output. The key idea of model-based approaches for FD is, in fact, the generation of signals, termed residuals, obtained by using observers, parameter estimation or parity equations designed on the basis of mathematical models of the monitored system. The success of the model based method is heavily dependent on the quality of models. Instead of exploiting complicated non-linear models obtained by modelling techniques, the problem is overcome describing the plant by a collection of local linear models obtained by the non-linear identification method presented above. The contribution of this research is two fold. First, it is shown how to integrate the well-established Frisch scheme method for the identification of affine algebraic systems within a general procedure for non-linear dynamic system. Second, some interesting properties of such a Scheme can enhance the solution of the optimisation problem as well as of the continuity constraint fulfilment.


Local Research Activity


Dr. Simani’s research interests and activities regard the detection, isolation and identification (FDI) of faults regarding actuator, component and sensors of dynamic systems. Moreover, since a FDI model based-approach is exploited, an accurate model of the process under investigation is required. Therefore, another study area of mine addresses the modelling and identification of non-linear systems, fuzzy modelling and identification and control of linear and non-linear algebraic and dynamic models.


From the beginning of October to the end of December, 2000, Dr. Simani was involved in research program/project within the Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering research group of the Department of Mathematics & Engineering at the University of Hull (with Prof. Ron J. Patton). His main research activity consisted in the design and development of automatic fault detection and isolation procedures regarding non-linear dynamic systems (industrial processes and power plants, such as a model of a Continuous Stirred Tank reactor System and an a real Sugar Factory process), modelling and identification of linear and non-linear dynamic models, fuzzy modelling and control of linear and non-linear algebraic and dynamic systems.


Dr. Simani is currently collaborating with the Department of Engineering at the University of Ferrara (Italy) within the Automatic Controls & Robotics Group (with Prof. Sergio Beghelli and Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi) as well as the Department of Mathematics and Engineering at the University of Hull (UK) within Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering Research Group (Prof. Ron J. Patton) and working on other national and international projects regarding the field of fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems, dynamic system identification, fuzzy logic, neural networks and non-linear system identification for fault diagnosis (hybrid systems).


Research Activity Abroad


From the beginning of October to the end of December, 2000, Dr. Simani was involved in research program/project within the Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering research group of the Department of Mathematics & Engineering at the University of Hull (with Prof. Ron J. Patton).


His main research activity consisted in the design and development of automatic fault detection and isolation procedures regarding non-linear dynamic systems (industrial processes and power plants, such as a model of a Continuous Stirred Tank reactor System and an a real Sugar Factory process), modelling and identification of linear and non-linear dynamic models, fuzzy modelling and control of linear and non-linear algebraic and dynamic systems.


Dr. Simani is currently collaborating with the Department of Engineering at the University of Ferrara (Italy) within the Automatic Controls & Robotics Group (with Prof. Sergio Beghelli and Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi) as well as the Department of Mathematics and Engineering at the University of Hull (UK) within Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering Research Group (Prof. Ron J. Patton) and working on other national and international projects regarding the field of fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems, dynamic system identification, fuzzy logic, neural networks and non-linear system identification for fault diagnosis (hybrid systems).



National & International Cooperative Projects


1995-1997              Cooperation project with the Science and Supercomputing at CINECA. Title: “Visual Motion Estimation”: Development of a Software for the Reconstruction of the Motion and the 3D Structure of Objects from Monocular Digital Images. CINECA Computing Centre. Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna (Italy).


1998-2000              Collaboration with the University of Hull (UK) within the Network: EC FP5 Research Training Network DAMADICS, “Development and Application of Methods for Actuator Diagnosis in Industrial Control Systems”, Contract Number: HPRN-CT-2000-00110. Network Co-ordinator: Prof. Ron J. Patton; host institution: School of Engineering, University of Hull (UK).


2001-2003              Cooperation project with the national companies GECO System (Geographical Environmental Consulting) and HERA (Holding Energy Resources environmentAl) – Cesena (Italy) for the design and result analysis of a model prototype for the estimation and 36 hours ahead prediction of the gas consumption in the northeast Italy.


2004-2005              Consultancy and cooperation project with the University of Hull (UK, Prof Ron J. Patton), EADS - Astrium ESTEC (Toulouse, France, Dr. Bernard Polle) and ESA (European Aerospace Agency, Holland, Dr. Denis Fertin) with the title: “Robust Estimation for Failure Detection”, Ref : EAA.TCN.89079.ASTR. Details: project for the development of a robust technique for the FDI of the gyroscopes and thrusters of the Mars Express Satellite.





Approximately 200.000 Euro from National University projects, various industries, and local support from the University of Ferrara.





One (1) Ph.D. student (2006-2008), four (4) undergraduate students (2006-2007) and forty (40) final MS degree projects (1999-2006).





Journal Papers
















Book Chapters




Books, Monographs and Technical Notes











International Conferences

































































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