function RA=routh(poli,epsilon); %ROUTH Routh array. % RA=ROUTH(R,EPSILON) returns the symbolic Routh array RA for % polynomial R(s). The following special cases are considered: % 1) zero first elements and 2) rows of zeros. All zero first % elements are replaced with the symbolic variable EPSILON % which can be later substituted with positive and negative % small numbers using SUBS(RA,EPSILON,...). When a row of % zeros is found, the auxiliary polynomial is used. % % Examples: % % 1) Routh array for s^3+2*s^2+3*s+1 % % >>syms EPS % >>ra=routh([1 2 3 1],EPS) % ra = % % 1.0000 3.0000 % 2.0000 1.0000 % 2.5000 0 % 1.0000 0 % % 2) Routh array for s^3+a*s^2+b*s+c % % >>syms a b c EPS; % >>ra=routh([1 a b c],EPS); % ra = % % [ 1, b] % [ a, c] % [ (-c+b*a)/a, 0] % [ c, 0] % % % Author:Rivera-Santos, Edmundo J. % % if(nargin<2), fprintf('\nError: Not enough input arguments given.'); return end dim=size(poli); %get size of poli coeff=dim(2); %get number of coefficients RA=sym(zeros(coeff,ceil(coeff/2))); %initialize symbolic Routh array for i=1:coeff, RA(2-rem(i,2),ceil(i/2))=poli(i); %assemble 1st and 2nd rows end rows=coeff-2; %number of rows that need determinants index=zeros(rows,1); %initialize columns-per-row index vector for i=1:rows, index(rows-i+1)=ceil(i/2); %form index vector from bottom to top end for i=3:coeff, %go from 3rd row to last if(all(RA(i-1,:)==0)), %row of zeros fprintf('\nSpecial Case: Row of zeros detected.'); a=coeff-i+2; %order of auxiliary equation b=ceil(a/2)-rem(a,2)+1; %number of auxiliary coefficients temp1=RA(i-2,1:b); %get auxiliary polynomial temp2=a:-2:0; %auxiliry polynomial powers RA(i-1,1:b)=temp1.*temp2; %derivative of auxiliary elseif(RA(i-1,1)==0), %first element in row is zero fprintf('\nSpecial Case: First element is zero.'); RA(i-1,1)=epsilon; %replace by epsilon end %compute the Routh array elements for j=1:index(i-2), RA(i,j)=-det([RA(i-2,1) RA(i-2,j+1);RA(i-1,1) RA(i-1,j+1)])/RA(i-1,1); end end