Diagnosi Automatica dei Guasti
Fault Diagnosis of Dynamic Systems
Using Model-Based and Filtering Approaches. Blocco di 10 ore del
Modulo di "Diagnosi Automatica dei Guasti" al II anno della Laurea
Specialistica in Ingegneria dell'Automazione (N.O.) al Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dell'Università di Ferrara
Course Programme
- Introduction: Course Introduction
- Issues in Model-Based Fault Diagnosis
- Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) Methods based on Analytical Redundancy
- Model-based Fault Detection Methods
- Issues in Model-Based Fault Diagnosis
- Model Uncertainty and Fault Detection
- The Robustness Problem in Fault Detection
- System Identification for Robust FDI
- Fault Identification Methods
- Modelling of Faulty Systems
- Residual Generation Techniques
- The Residual Generation Problem
- Fault Diagnosis Technique Integration
- Fuzzy Logic for Residual Generation
- Neural Networks in Fault Diagnosis
- Output Observers for Robust Residual Generation
- Unknown Input Observer (UIO)
- UIO Mathematical Description
- UIO Design Procedure
- FDI Schemes Based on UIO and Output Observers
- Kalman Filtering and FDI from Noisy Measurements
- Residual Robustness to Disturbances
- Application Examples
References: Monographs and Textbooks on FDI
- Rolf Isermann, "Fault-Diagnosis Systems: An Introduction from Fault Detection to Fault Tolerance".
Springer-Verlag, 2005, 1st Editions. November, 28, 2005. ISBN: 3540241124.
- Blanke, M. and Kinnaert, M. and Lunze, J. and Staroswiecki, M. Schroder, J., "Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant
Control". Springer, 2003. 1st Edition. August, 5, 2005. ISBN: 3540010564.
- Korbicz, J. and Koscielny, J. M. and Kowalczuk, Z. and Cholewa, W., "Fault Diagnosis: Models, Artificial
Intelligence, Applications". Springer-Verlag, 2004. 1st Edition. February, 12, 2004. ISBN: 3540407677.
- Simani, S. and Fantuzzi, C. and Patton, R. J., "Model-based fault
diagnosis in dynamic systems using identification techniques",
Springer-Verlag, 2002. ISBN 1852336854. Advances in Industrial Control
Series. London, UK. First Eq. November, 2002. (298 pages).
- Stamatis, D. H., "Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: FMEA from Theory to Execution",ASQ Quality Press,
2003, 2nd Edition, June, 2003. ISBN: 0873895983.
- Basseville, M. and Nikiforov, I. V., "Detection of Abrupt Changes: Theory and Application", Springer-Verlag
(March 1986), ISBN: 0387160434.
- Chen, J. and Patton, R. J., "Robust Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems", Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1999. ISBN: 0792384113.
- Chiang, L. H. and Russel, E. L. and Braatz, R. D., "Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Industrial Systems",
Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2001. Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series. London, Great
Britain. ISBN: 1852333278.
Gertler, J., "Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Engineering Systems". Marcel Dekker, 1998, New York.
ISBN: 0824794273.
- Hadjicostis, Christoforos N., "Coding Approaches to Fault Tolerance in Combinational and Dynamic Systems",
Kluwer Academic Publishers. November 2001. The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science.
ISBN: 0792376242.
- Liu, G. P. and Patton, R. J., "Eigenstructure Assignment for Control System Design", John Wiley and
Sons. England, 1998. ISBN: 0471975494.
- Patton, R. J. and Frank, P. M. and Clark, R. N., "Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems, Theory and Application",
Prentice Hall. 1989, London. Control Engineering Series. ISBN: 0133082636.
- Patton, R. J. and Frank, P. M. and Clark, R. N., "Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems",
Springer-Verlag, 2000. London Limited. ISBN: 3540199683.
Downloads: Related Readings and Lecture Notes
"Lecture Note Slides" (Silvio Simani's Course Presentation, October 2006): (PDF file, 2.5 MB).
"Lecture Notes" (Silvio Simani's Extended Report, October 2006): (PDF file, 35 MB).
"Lecture Notes, Chapters 1 and 2" (Chapters form Silvio Simani's Extended Report, October 2006): (PDF file, 1 MB).
"Model-based fault-detection and diagnosis - status and applications" (Journal Paper by Rolf Isermann, 2005): (PDF file, 1 MB).
Design Example of Output Observer for FDI. Example with Noise (Matlab and Simulink files and models for Matlab 6.1):
(zipped Matlab and Simulink files, 7 KB).
Design Example of Output Observers for FDI. SIMO Model with three Observers.
(2 Matlab files and 1 Simulink model for Matlab 6.1):
(zipped Matlab and Simulink files, 5 KB).
Design Example of UIO. Model with disturbance. Generation of disturbance
decoupled estimation errors and residuals. (Matlab and Simulink files for Matlab 6.1):
(zipped Matlab and Simulink files, 4 KB).
Design Example of UIO for FDI. MIMO Model with disturbance and two faults. Generation of disturbance
decoupled residuals for input sensor fault isolation. (Matlab and Simulink files for Matlab 6.1):
(zipped Matlab and Simulink files, 5 KB).
Design Example of a Kalman filter. MIMO Model with noise errors. Generation of minimal
variance estimation error signals for FDI applications. (Matlab and Simulink files for Matlab 6.1):
(zipped Matlab and Simulink files, 5 KB).