"Automazione (Laboratorio)" e "Tecniche di Controllo"
"Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems for Identification, Prediction
and Control".
Reti Neurali e Sistemi Fuzzy per l'Identificazione, Predizione e Controllo. Blocco di 10 ore del
Modulo di Automazione (Laboratorio) al I e II anno della Laurea
Specialistica in Ingegneria dell'Automazione (N.O.) al Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dell'Università di Ferrara
Course Programme
Introduction: Course Introduction
Introduction to neural network
Issues in Neural network
Simple Neural Networks: Perceptron and Adaline
Multilayer Perceptron: Basics
Genetic Algorithm
Radial Basis Networks
Fuzzy Systems
Application Examples
Lecture Note Slides, 2009: PDF Format (1 slide per page, color, 143 pages, 5 MB);
Lecture Notes in PDF format (2 slides per page, color);
Lecture Notes in PDF format (2 slides per page, greyscale).
Neural Network Matlab Toolbox: (PDF format file, 808 pages, 5MB).
Bibliographic References
Neural Networks for Identification, Prediction, and Control, by Duc Truong Pham and Xing Liu. Springer Verlag;
(December 1995). ISBN: 3540199594.
Nonlinear Identification and Control: A Neural Network Approach, by G. P. Liu. Springer Verlag; (October 2001).
ISBN: 1852333421.
Fuzzy Modeling for Control, by Robert Babuska. Springer; 1st edition (May 1, 1998) ISBN-10: 0792381548,
ISBN-13: 978-0792381549.
Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms, by Deb Kalyanmoy. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester,
England, 2001.
NONLINEAR VIRTUAL REFERENCE FEEDBACK TUNING: Application of Neural Networks to Direct Controller Design.
Document in PDF format (346KB).