Identificazione dei Modelli ed Analisi dei Dati
Modulo di 56 ore per il III anno della Laurea
in Ingegneria dell'Automazione e per la Specialistica in Ingegneria dell'Automazione (N.O.) al Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dell'Università di Ferrara
Course Programme
Lecture 1. Introduction - General introduction to modelling and
system identification. (i) Theory and experiment based modelling
methods; (ii) Parametric and non-parametric models and identification
methods; (iii) Procedure of system identification. Reading: L. Ljung,
From Data to Model: A Guided Tour of System Identification, Linköping
University, Sweden, Report No. LiTH-ISY-R-1652, 1994. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 1. (Lesson Slides
PDF Format, 13MB); (Lesson Slides PDF
Zipped Format, 11MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 13MB).
Lecture 2. Non-recursive (off-line) methods. (i) Least-Squares
(LS) method and its variants; (ii) Instrumental variable methods;
(iii) Prediction error methods. Lecture Notes: Lecture 2.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 2.5MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 2MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 2MB).
Lecture 2.5. Nonparametric Identification. Input Signals for
Identification. Identification Conditions. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 2.5. (Lesson Slides PDF Format, 1.6MB); (Lesson Slides PDF
Zipped Format, 1.4MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 1.4MB).
Lecture 3. Recursive (on-line) methods. (i) Recursive
Least-Squares (RLS) methods; (ii) Tacking and forgetting factor
techniques. Lecture Notes: Lecture 3.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 1.5MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 1.2MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 1.2MB).
Lecture 4. PEM Identification Method. Minimisation Techniques
and Numerical Algorithms. Lecture Notes: Lecture 4.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 1.5MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 1.2MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 2MB).
Lecture 4.5. Instrumental Variable Method (IVM). Instrument Theory
and Numerical Implementation Algorithms. Lecture Notes: Lecture 4.5.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 1.7MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 1.5MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 1.6MB).
Lecture 4.6. Model Structure Determination. Model
Validation. Theoretic Results and Practical Examples. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 4.6.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 2.6MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 2.3MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 2.3MB).
Lecture 4.8. Closed Loop Identification. Theoretic Results and Practical Examples. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 4.8.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 1.2MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 1MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 1MB).
Lecture 5. Summary and Practical Aspects. An Application
Example with the System Identification Toolbox of Matlab. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 5.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 6.6MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 4.6MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 6.3MB).
Lecture 5.5. Remarks on Persistent Excitation
Conditions. Practical Aspects. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 5.5.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 0.4MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 0.38MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 0.38MB).
Lecture 6. Course Summary on System Identification. Lecture Notes:
Lecture 6.
(Lesson Slides PDF Format, 2.8MB); (Lesson Slides PDF Zipped
Format, 2.2MB). (Lesson Slides PDF,
2 slides per page, 2.6MB).
Matlab function "structMISO.m" for ARX model structure determination + "my_hank.m" Matlab function
for Hankel matrix construction (written by Silvio Simani, 2006):
(file in zipped format).
Matlab functions for testing residual whiteness and Chi-square test (written by Silvio Simani, 2006):
(file in zipped format).
Process Data Sequences: DaISy (Database for the
Identification of Systems). Developed, maintained, and hosted by
General Process Data Sequences for ARX, AR, ARMAX and ARMAX model identification examples:
(Data text files in zipped format).
Process data sequences for the Buffer Vessel Example and few Matlab programme files:
(Data and Matlab function files in zipped format).
Process data sequences for the energised R-phase 400 kV three phase transformer and the Matlab function
of the case study: (Data and Matlab function files in zipped format).
Process Data Sequences from SISTA website: (Dynamic Process Data Files in
zipped format downloaded from SISTA website).
K. Sigmon, "Matlab Primer Third Edition". University of Florida, Florida, Second
Edition ed., 1992. (file in formato pdf ).
SID, "System Identification Toolbox". System Identification Graphical User Interface for Matlab.
(file in formato pdf ).